Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: FACEBOOK equal TOTAL CENSORSHIP. Facebook follows accounts' removal policies for covering even very old criminal cooperations for example between leftist groups [the Fourth International for Mandel-Maitan, for example] and Carabinieri Secret Police Bureaux. You talk of them, your account is deactivated

Saturday 30 October 2010

FACEBOOK equal TOTAL CENSORSHIP. Facebook follows accounts' removal policies for covering even very old criminal cooperations for example between leftist groups [the Fourth International for Mandel-Maitan, for example] and Carabinieri Secret Police Bureaux. You talk of them, your account is deactivated

Le magazine L'Espresso affirme qu'un accord secret a été noué entre la police et le réseau social, pour que les enquêteurs puissent accéder aux profils sans attendre une décision de justice. Les autorités démentent.