Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: ITALIC MALEDICTIONThe Italic Permanent Coup d'État, Permanent Purge. The compradorPresident-NATO Permanent Assault against formal Government and Parliament ...President-NATO Secret Police bureaux with annexed judiciary...

Friday 8 July 2011

The Italic Permanent Coup d'État, Permanent Purge.
The compradorPresident-NATO Permanent Assault against formal Government and Parliament

...President-NATO Secret Police bureaux with annexed judiciary...

Richiesto arresto per Milanese, sentito Tremonti: la casa del ministro risulta affittata dall'ex consigliere - L'inchiesta di Napoli - Il ritratto
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Rispetto a un anno fa esborso più caro del 5-7%
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Grandi opere. Bruxelles conferma il sostegno europeo al progetto ma pesano i ritardi accumulati dalla Torino-Lione
Ue verso il taglio dei fondi Tav
di Giuseppe Chiellino
Kallas: in autunno la decisione sulle cifre, va accelerato il progetto preliminare - L'AVVERTIMENTO - Il commissario deluso dall'esito del tavolo intergovernativo che non avrebbe compiuto passi decisivi sul trattato bilaterale
MILANO Per ora è solo un avvertimento. Ma il messaggio che il commissario europeo ai Trasporti, Siim Kallas, ha lanciato ieri a Italia e Francia sulla Tav Torino-Lione è molto chiaro: i ritardi che continuano ad accumularsi nella realizzazione ...
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Una scommessa sulla crescita
di Carmine Fotina
Negli appalti innalzata a un milione la soglia degli affidamenti senza gara
ROMA Con 162 voti favorevoli, 134 contrari e un'astensione passa al Senato la fiducia sul decreto sviluppo che è convertito in via definitiva in legge nel testo licenziato dalla Camera il 21 giugno. Si tratta della fiducia numero 45 del governo ...
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Regole. Bruxelles orientata a recepire nella direttiva parte delle richieste di banche e imprese
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di Vittorio Carlini
Il commissario Barnier presenta l'ultima proposta il 20 luglio - LO SCONTO ALLE PMI - In ambienti vicini all'Abi ottimismo sui parametri più soft per i prestiti alle piccole imprese. Maggiore cautela nel mondo industriale
MILANO Il conto alla rovescia, per la proposta della direttiva su Basilea III, è arrivato alla fine. Il Commissario europeo per il mercato interno e i servizi, Michel Barnier, dovrebbe presentare già il 20 luglio prossimo l'ultima versione (la ...
Pagina 37
Per approfondire
Economia e finanza: gli avvenimenti di VENERDI' 8 luglio
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Ricardo Gama

Posted: 07 Jul 2011 03:55 PM PDT

Sinceramente, esse caso desse menino Juan mostrou o quanto esse governo é INCOMPETENTE e OMISSO no trato da segurança pública.

Bem que o Secretário de Segurança José Mariano Beltrame tinha dito que um tiro disparado em Copacabana é diferente de um tiro em uma favela.

Tudo indicava que não haveria nenhuma investigação sobre o desaparecimento do menino Juan, a polícia somente resolveu "trabalhar" graças a imprensa, precisamente o jornal Extra, que dias depois publicou uma grande matéria dando destaque na capa da omissão da polícia, dizendo que dias já haviam se passado e nada tinha sido feito.

Até a perícia errou na hora de identificar o corpo.

Eu já postei sobre esse assunto aqui hoje.

O descaso com o povo e a família do Juan foi total, isso é lamentável e revoltante.

Reprodução da Folha de São Paulo on line

É de Juan de Moraes, 11, o corpo de uma criança achado há uma semana às margens de um rio em Nova Iguaçu (Baixada Fluminense) e identificado inicialmente pela polícia como o de uma menina.

Juan sumiu no dia 20, após se deparar com policiais militares durante tiroteio numa viela de uma favela da cidade.

O IML ainda não concluiu o laudo que apontará de que forma ele foi morto. Testemunhas afirmaram à polícia que o menino levou um tiro no pescoço. Amanhã será feita uma reconstituição do crime.

O perito legista Abrão Lincoln de Oliveira, presidente da Associação Fluminense de Medicina Legal, disse ter visto o corpo no IML, com fraturas no braço, na coxa e na perna esquerda. "Pareciam ter sido causadas por tiros."

A confirmação da morte de Juan foi anunciada ontem à tarde pela chefe de Polícia Civil do Rio, Martha Rocha. Inicialmente, a polícia havia informado que o corpo era de uma menina, mas exames de DNA comprovaram que se tratava do menino.

A perita que identificou o corpo como o de uma garota será alvo de sindicância. Para a polícia, ela foi "precipitada" em suas conclusões.

Quando foi encontrado, o corpo de Juan já estava em estado avançado de decomposição por ter ficado exposto à água suja e a animais. Com isso, a identificação visual do sexo não foi possível.

Segundo o diretor do Departamento-Geral de Polícia Técnico Científica, Sérgio Henriques, foi feita então a análise do esqueleto -as características do crânio, da arcada dentária e da bacia são diferentes em homens e mulheres. As distinções, porém, são mais claras em adultos.
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 04:36 PM PDT

oitado da trupe dos oficiais do alto escalão dos Bombeiros Militares ficaram com "mal estar", por que a bombeirada cantou o hino com disposição !!!

Mal estar ???

Malestar é o bombeiro militar viver com R$ 950 reais por mês.

Mal estar é o governador Sérgio Cabral agora estar morando em um "novo" apartamento de R$ 9 milhões de reais na Praia do Leblon.

Mal estar é o CACETE, bombeiros militares acordem, esse governo vagabundo só quer ferrar vocês, ninguém vive com esse salário miserável de R$ 950 reais por mês, as manifestações pacíficas e ordeiras devem voltar as ruas o mais rápido possível.

RIO- A cerimônia de formatura de 63 cabos do Corpo de Bombeiros do Rio, no quartel de Guadalupe, na Zona Norte, causou mal estar entre oficiais de alto escalão da corporação, inclusive o comandante-geral, coronel Sérgio Simões, que estava no evento. Durante a solenidade, os formandos cantaram o hino do Corpo de Bombeiros de forma agressiva e inadequada, confome descreveu a própria instituição militar.
O hino fora do tom gerou constrangimento aos oficiais do Curso Superior de Comando e alguns deles deixaram a cerimônia antes do fim, realizada na quarta-feira. Em resposta, o comando-geral determinou que cada um dos 63 militares preenchessem um memorando para alegar os motivos da irregularidade. Os militares têm até esta sexta-feira para entregarem a defesa.

Posted: 07 Jul 2011 04:36 PM PDT
Vídeo comentário.

Clique e veja o vídeo no youtube
Cópia do boletim interno do Corpo de Bombeiros Militares do Estado do Rio de Janeiro publicado ontem.

Esse governo do Rio de Janeiro é um VAGABUNDO, e com letras maíusculas, além de mandar prender ilegalmente 439 bombeiros militares, e até agora não conceder um real de aumento, continua a repressão.

Vejam que pelo boletim interno da corporação (acima) PUBLICADO ONTEM, passou a ser PROIBIDO estacionar os carros dos bombeiros que tenham qualquer ADESIVO, FITAS, BANDEIRAS, PINTURAS, FAIXAS ADEREÇOS, ADORNOS OU ACESSÓRIOS que façam referência, explícita ou implícita, aos fatos ocorridos durante movimentos reinvindicatórios por melhorias de vencimentos e de condições de trabalho.

Engraçado que essa BOSTA de boletim dá a entender que os movimentos reivindicatórios acabaram, salvo engano, nada foi concedido aos bombeiros militares, desta forma, o movimento apenas está começando.

Além do que essa medida mais uma vez mostra o lado DITATORIAL e REPRESSIVO desse governo vagabundo.

Por, fim, pode-se entender que a BOSTA desse boletim é inconstitucional por violar o direito de liberdade de expresão dos bombeiros militares.

Alô bombeiros militares do Rio de Janeiro já deu para perceber que esse governo VAGABUNDO não quer atender as reivindicações de vocês, por isso as manifestações devem voltar o mais rápido possível.

Como vocês dizem: "Nenhum passo daremos atrás".

Posted: 07 Jul 2011 10:27 AM PDT
Sinceramente, eu NUNCA acreditei nos dados da violência fornecidos pelo ISP - Instituro de Segurança Pública, leia-se, Governo Sérgio Cabral.Agora revela-se que os os homicídios dololosos no Rio de Janeiro aumentaram.A matéria do Globo é muito tendenciosa, vou ler mais sobre esse assunto em outros jornais, e volto a comentar.

Uma coisa é certa, o mundo pode desabar, mas o Secretáro de Segurança José Mariano Beltrame permanece intocável.

Em tempo, fico curioso se o Globo amanhã vai dar destaque a essa notícia na capa, a conferir.

Reprodução do Globo on line

RIO - Após quatro meses consecutivos de queda, o índice de homicídio doloso (com intenção de matar), que compõe o indicador letalidade violenta, apresentou, em maio, um pequeno aumento de 2,5% (mais 9 vítimas) no Estado do Rio. Foram 370 vítimas em 2011, contra 361 no mesmo período do ano passado, segundo o Instituto de Segurança Pública (ISP). Já o segundo trimestre deste ano em relação ao ano passado, houve redução de 10,2% (menos 131 vítimas). Foram 1.154 casos em 2011 e 1.285 no mesmo período do ano passado.
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 10:12 AM PDT

É triste e revoltante o descaso com o Rio de Janeiro, enquanto Sérgio Cabral viaja em jatos do Eike Batista, e vai morar em frente a praia no Leblon em apartamento de milhões de reais, o povo sofre, agora até bueiros estão explodindo ferindo e assustando pessoas.

Mas o mais novo TERROR do povo do Rio de Janeiro já virou jogo no Facebook.

RIO - A sucessão de explosões de bueiros que aflige o Rio já virou joguinho no Facebook. No aplicativo "Desafio Rio Boom-eiro", o internauta controla um carioca que caminha pela "Rua Bueiros Aires" atento aos bueiros que explodem a qualquer momento.
"Caminhe pela cidade maravilhosa sem voar pelos ares", diz a tela de entrada do jogo, que está disponível neste link .
O game foi desenvolvido pela Playerum, a mesma que criou o "Tomatocracia", jogo para o Facebook lançado na época da eleição presidencial em que os usuários escolhem entre Serra e Dilma como alvos de seus tomates virtuais.
O visual de "Desafio Rio Boom-eiro" é bem simples, em 2D, e a jogabilidade é restrita aos botões de direção (setas). A pontuação avalia apenas a distância que o jogador percorre sem ser atingido por um bueiro em chamas ou cair em um sem tampa.
No início desta tarde, um tal Marcus Ulisses liderava o ranking do jogo com 10.319 pontps. Mais de 250 pessoas já haviam "curtido" o jogo.
Por serem simples, os jogos casuais não exigem muito tempo dos desenvolvedores, podendo ser criados em questão de dias. Com isso, proliferam no Facebook e em outros sites games com temática inspirada no noticiário do momento que cativam os internautas.
Em novembro do ano passado, causou polêmica o "Fuga da Vila Cruzeiro"
, cujo objetivo é matar os bandidos em fuga da Complexo do Alemão durante a invasão policial.

Posted: 07 Jul 2011 09:42 AM PDT

Erros e mais errros no caso do menino Juan, eu já disse isso aqui dezenas de vezes, até o delegado do caso foi afastado, sem dizer a demora nas investigações, a grave falha da perita, e etc.

Agora a imprensa informa que o Governo Federal irá acompanhar os desdobramentos do caso Juan, decisão que comprova mais uma vez a OMISSÃO e o DESPREPARO do Governo Sérgio Cabral.

Outro fato bárbaro que também comprova a INCOMPETÊNCIA desse governo vagabundo do Rio de Janeiro, é que os familiares do menino Juan foram tirados do estado, e estão sob a proteção do Governo Federal.

Será que nem a segurança dos familiares do menino Juan o Governo Sérgio Cabral foi capaz de fazer ???

A Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República emitiu nesta quarta-feira (6) uma nota sobre a confirmação do assassinato do menino Juan Moraes. O corpo foi encontrado na beira do rio Botas, em Belford Roxo, na Baixada Fluminense.
No texto, a secretaria informa que é inaceitável o homicídio bárbaro de uma criança em qualquer situação. A evidência do envolvimento direto de agentes públicos, que têm a obrigação de zelar pela segurança da população, torna o episódio ainda mais revoltante.

Desde que foi notificada do caso, a Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República vem cumprindo com o seu papel, acompanhando a investigação e oferecendo proteção à vida dos familiares de Juan. Estes permanecerão sob proteção federal enquanto houver risco à sua integridade física.
A secretaria informou também o governo brasileiro não tolera esse tipo de crime contra qualquer ser humano. A situação se agrava por se tratar de uma criança que é, segundo a Constituição Federal, prioridade absoluta, que implica primazia de receber proteção e socorro em quaisquer circunstâncias.
De acordo com a secretaria, a expectativa da sociedade brasileira é que sejam tomadas todas as medidas para que os responsáveis não fiquem impunes. Nesse sentido, é fundamental que o governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro atue de forma firme e competente para identificar os responsáveis, a exemplo do que fez no afastamento do delegado que acompanhava o caso e agiu inadequadamente diante dos fatos. O governo federal acompanhará de perto os desdobramentos para garantir justiça e evitar a impunidade.
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 09:04 AM PDT

Dispensa-se ficar repetindo aqui o quanto a Secretária de Segurança Pública ERROU e foi OMISSA no caso do menino Juan.

Mas agora o fato do laudo cadavérico, ou seja, a perícia não conseguir apontar o motivo da morte de Juan é muito estranho, já que testemunhas alegam que ele foi baleado no pescoço.

Será que estamos diante de outro ERRO da Secretária de Segurança Pública ???

Se a perícia não apontou a causa da morte do menino Juan ninguém poderá ser responsabilizado !!!

Cono acusar alguém de um homicídio, se não se sabe o motivo da morte ???
Reprodução do site R7

O diretor do Departamento de Polícia Técnica da Polícia Civil, delegado Sérgio Henriques, informou nesta quarta-feira (6) que não foi possível determinar a causa da morte do menino Juan Moraes, de 11 anos. O laudo do exame cadavérico não apontou sinais de fratura ou perfuração por tiro na ossada da criança.
Segundo testemunhas, Juan foi baleado no pescoço. Apesar de a perícia não conseguir determinar a parte do corpo em que o menino teria sido baleado, o fato de não haver fratura pode indicar que Juan tenha mesmo sido ferido no pescoço, uma vez que se trata de uma região com mais músculos e menos osso.

- Quando o corpo tem fratura, podemos encontrar vestígios de projétil, por exemplo. No caso da ossada do Juan, não havia fraturas e por isso não temos como determinar a causa da morte. Alguns depoimentos apontam que ele foi ferido no pescoço, uma hipótese que ganha força com esse laudo.
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 08:39 AM PDT

É inacreditável o descaso e o desrespeito desse governo do Rio de Janeiro com o povo, um caso de grande repercussão, o do menino Juan, a família ficou sabendo da morte do jovem pela imprensa !!!

Isso é uma total falta de respeito, o descaso é chocante.

Sinceramente, o povo não merece esse governo vagabundo.

Reprodução do site R7

A informação de que o corpo encontrado na semana passada é do menino Juan, de 11 anos, foi passada para a imprensa antes de chegar à família da vítima. A morte da criança foi confirmada na tarde desta quarta-feira (6) pela chefe da Polícia Civil do Rio, Martha Rocha.
Por volta das 15h, quando foi procurado pelo R7, o pai de Juan, Alexandre da Silva, recebeu chocado a notícia. Inicialmente, pareceu não entender a mensagem, mas logo compreendeu do que se tratava e apenas perguntou: “Mas o corpo não era de uma menina?”. Em seguida, pediu para que o contato fosse refeito mais tarde e desligou.

Responsável por fazer a ponte entre os agentes que investigam o caso e a família do menino, a Secretaria Estadual de Assistência Social e Direitos Humanos informou às 15h30 que não havia recebido da polícia o comunicado oficial sobre a morte da criança.
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 08:19 AM PDT

Abaixo um postagem para rir.

Mas gente a coisa é séria, prometi aguardar, mas adianto que os dias de Sérgio Cabral estão contados, está para explodir várias BOMBAS no Rio de Janeiro envolvendo graves denúncias contra Cabral.

Acredito que Sérgio Cabral não termina o seu mandato, e corre o sério risco de ele ver o sol nascer quadrado.

Reprodução do site The Piaui Herald

RIO DE JANEIRO - Diante do uso continuado por Sergio Cabral da frota de jatinhos, iates, helicópteros, vans e submarinos da EBX, o empresário Eike Batista decidiu criar um programa de milhagem para premiar a fidelidade do governador do Rio de Janeiro, adiantando que o programa será estendido aos administradores públicos que mais utilizam os seus serviços de transporte.
"Aproveitando a experiência de sucesso com o Serginho, pegaremos o parlamentar em casa, faremos o traslado até o aeroporto e nos desdobraremos para oferecer ao viajante uma experiência agradável até o destino desejado. Caso o parlamentar escolha uma cidade em que temos rede hoteleira, será um prazer hospedá-lo", explicou o empresário.
Durante a cerimônia, exibiu-se o depoimento da clientela satisfeita: "Tenho mais de 459 mil milhas e 341 favores acumulados no programa de milhagem do Eike. Posso dar a volta ao mundo e ainda ganho uma cadeira no Senado sem data de expiração ", explicou Sérgio Cabral, cliente gold premium top do programa.
Os agraciados poderão trocar seus pontos por consultorias de Palocci (45 mil milhas), palestras de Lula (1.200.000 milhas), livros de Gabriel Chalita (34 milhas) e cargos comissionados no Ministério da Pesca (3 milhas).
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 08:05 AM PDT
Com todo o respeito aos policiais, mas a Polícia Militar sob o comando do Mário Sérgio foi OMISSA, INCOMPETENTE, e mostrou total DESPREPARO no caso do menino Juan, e isso quem está dizendo é a imprensa.

O Comandante Mário Sérgio foi tão devagar, ou omisso, não sei exatamente qual a palavra usar, que somente resolveu afastar os policiais depois da confirmação da morte do menino Juan.

Esse governo Sérgio Cabral se mostra cada vez mais OMISSO e INCOMPETENTE quando se trata de segurança pública.

Reprodução do site R7

O comandante-geral da Polícia Militar, coronel Mário Sérgio Duarte, decidiu afastar do Batalhão de Mesquita (20º BPM) os quatro policias investigados pelo desaparecimento do menino Juan Moraes, de 11 anos. A decisão foi tomada com base na confirmação da morte da criança, anunciada na tarde desta quarta-feira (6) pela chefe da Polícia Civil, Martha Rocha.
Ainda segundo o comandante-geral da PM, caso se comprove o envolvimento deles na morte de Juan, todos serão expulsos da corporação.
- Se ficar provado que eles tiveram participação no sumiço do menino, os quatro serão expulsos.
Perguntado se a possibilidade de envolvimento dos PMs no caso o deixava chocado, o coronel respondeu:
- O que choca é saber que um menino foi assassinado e teve o corpo escondido, com a família passando por essa dor. Também é chocante as acusações contra os meus policiais. É preciso provar que eles estão envolvidos antes de julgá-los.
O coronel Mário Sérgio evitou falar sobre a sindicância feita pela PM sobre o caso. Ele disse apenas que todas as informações colhidas estão sendo passadas à Polícia Civil. O oficial informou também que a atual política de segurança não é favorável ao enfrentamento.
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 06:44 AM PDT

O caso do menino Juan mostra um verdadeiro show de descaso, omissão, incompetência, e discriminação do Governo Sérgio Cabral.

Deve-se registrar que, o caso da morte do menino Juan nem seria investigado, se não fosse a intervenção da IMPRENSA, que cobrou e colocou o Governador Sérgio Cabral, Secretário de Segurança José Mariano Beltrame e cia na parede.

Hoje as capas dos jornais de novo fazem um PROTESTO ante a INCOMPETÊNCIA do Governo Sérgio Cabral.

Reprodução da capa do jornal O Dia, clique nas imagens para AMPLIAR.

Reprodução da capa do jornal Extra, clique nas imagens para AMPLIAR.

Freitag, 08. Juli 2011 vorherige Ausgabe » anmelden »

Machtkampf kurz vor der Entscheidung?
Der Machtkampf um die Führung der größten deutschen Bank geht in die entscheidende Phase. Nachdem Vorstandschef Josef Ackermann (Foto: re.) nach Handelsblatt-Informationen seine Bereitschaft erklärt hatte, den Vorsitz im Aufsichtsrat zu übernehmen, geht Clemens Börsig (li.) in die Offensive: Der amtierende Aufsichtsratschef will laut Bild-Zeitung am kommenden Sonntag bei einem Geheimtreffen des dreiköpfigen Nominierungsausschusses des Aufsichtsrats sein Personalpaket für die Vorstandsspitze durchsetzen. Investmentbank-Chef Anshu Jain (Mitte), soll mit einem deutschen Vorstandskollegen als Doppelspitze die Bank führen. Eine elegante Lösung, meint die FTD. Allerdings wäre es unklug, wenn Jain das Geschäft leite und der zweite Mann als Grüßonkel in Berlin die Seelen der Euro-Retter streichele. Nach Spiegel-Informationen haben sich neun der zehn Arbeitnehmervertreter im Aufsichtsrat dafür ausgesprochen, dass Ackermann an die Spitze des Gremiums wechselt und dann sofort seinen Favoriten für die Nachfolge als Vorstandschef bestimmt. Keine gute Idee, warnt die Welt vor der Aussicht, dass die Frankfurter einen Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden hätten, der über sein eigenes Erbe wache und es seinem Nachfolger schwer mache.
» Handelsblatt » Stern » Welt » Spiegel » FTD » Welt » Süddeutsche Zeitung


Triple-A für Hellas?
Politiker von Union und SPD haben sich dafür ausgesprochen, Bonitätsbewertungen der Ratingagenturen für hoch verschuldete EU-Staaten auszusetzen. Dadurch werde die Wahrheit in der Schuldenkrise nur weiter vernebelt, kritisiert das Handelsblatt. Den Überbringer der schlechten Nachrichten zu köpfen, möge politisch opportun erscheinen, zeuge aber von einiger Naivität. Im Stern spricht sich Thomas Straubhaar, Leiter des Hamburgischen WeltwirtschaftsInstituts, dafür aus, das öffentlich-rechtlich geschützte Meinungsmonopol der Bonitätsprüfer generell zu beseitigen. Die Zeit zitiert aus einer Studie, nach der die PIGS-Staaten (Portugal, Irland, Griechenland, Spanien) seit Beginn der europäischen Schuldenkrise 2009 von den Ratingagenturen übertrieben stark herabgestuft worden seien. Das Wirtschaftsblatt wundert sich, dass der US-Bundesstaat Minnesota zwar keine Löhne mehr zahlen könne, aber bei S&P ein Triple-A erhalten habe. Anschlussfrage: Wieso nicht auch ein AAA für Griechenland?
» Handelsblatt » HB2 » Stern » Zeit » Spiegel » Wirtschaftsblatt

Zentralbanker zeigen Zähne
Die Europäische Zentralbank hebt erneut den Leitzins um 0,25 Punkte an, um die Inflation in der Eurozone zu bekämpfen. Keine gute Nachricht für die Euro-Krisenstaaten, kommentiert die Frankfurter Rundschau. Dort würden die Kredite teurer, die Schuldenlast schwerer und die Konjunktur ausgebremst. Die Welt lobt die EZB dafür, der Politik die Zähne zu zeigen - sollten die Ratingagenturen die Pläne einer Beteiligung der Banken an der Rettung Griechenlands als Zahlungsausfall werten, würden die Notenbanker griechischen Banken den Geldhahn zudrehen.
» Handelszeitung » Spiegel » FTD » Welt » Frankfurter Rundschau » Wall Street Journal

Zentralbanker verlieren Vertrauen
Die EZB hat die Mindestanforderung für das Kredit-Rating von Portugal ausgesetzt. Dass die Maßnahme eine unmittelbare Reaktion auf die Herabstufung Lissabons durch Moody’s sei, deutet die Börsen-Zeitung dahingehend, dass sich die EZB ihre Sicherheitenpolitik von einer Agentur diktieren lasse - und ihre Glaubwürdigkeit komplett verliere.
» Handelsblatt » Börsen-Zeitung » Financial Times » FT2

Bahn frei für "Das Kapital"?
Die Aktionäre der New York Stock Exchange haben für die Fusion mit der Deutschen Börse zum weltgrößten Börsenbetreiber gestimmt. Die Financial Times Deutschland geht davon aus, dass NYSE-Chef Duncan Niederauer von Anfang an Chef der neuen Börse sein werde, wenn auch nicht auf dem Papier. Das Wall Street Journal beklagt, dass es immer noch keinen Namen für das vereinte Unternehmen gibt - und schlägt "Das Kapital" vor.
» Handelsblatt » Handelszeitung » Financial Times Deutschland » FTD2 » Wall Street Journal

Stresstester unter Beschuss
Die europäische Bankenaufsicht EBA wird beim Stresstest 2011 - dessen Ergebnisse kommende Woche veröffentlicht werden sollen - offenbar bis zu 15 Banken durchfallen lassen, darunter ein deutsches Institut. Bei der Frage, welche und wie viele Banken den umstrittenen Test nicht bestehen, spielen den Kreisen zufolge auch politische Erwägungen eine Rolle, meldet das Handelsblatt. Die Financial Times berichtet über die kollektive Verärgerung von Bankern und Politikern über das Stresstest-Procedere.
» Handelsblatt » Financial Times

Bankern geht die Arbeit aus
Die fetten Jahre an der Wall Street scheinen schon wieder vorbei: Nachdem die Banker schon kurz nach der Finanzkrise wieder gutes Geld verdient haben, müssen sie sich jetzt Existenzsorgen machen. Denn der einträgliche Handel mit Aktien und Anleihen lahmt. Die Investoren halten derzeit ihr Geld zusammen, statt es anzulegen. Sie fürchten die Auswirkungen der Schuldenkrise in Griechenland und die drohende Zahlungsunfähigkeit der USA.
» Handelsblatt » Wirtschaftsblatt

Teure Wiedergutmachung
Nach der Bank of America und der Schweizer Großbank UBS muss sich auch der US-Finanzriese JP Morgan Chase für zwielichtige Geschäfte mit kommunalen Anleihen verantworten. Um die Sache aus der Welt zu schaffen, zahlt die Bank 228 Millionen Dollar an Strafen und Wiedergutmachung.
» Handelsblatt » Financial Times

Shortcuts aus der Finanzbranche
Die Ratingagentur Moody´s droht der WGZ Bank mit einer Herabstufung seiner Bonität » HB Die Deutsche Bank und der belgische Finanzinvestor RHJ International führen exklusive Verhandlungen über den Verkauf der Privatbank BHF-Bank » BZ Die Schweizer UBS will ihr Geschäft mit superreichen Kunden in Asien deutlich voranbringen » HB Immer mehr Kunden aus dem Ausland haben nicht mehr den vollen Zugriff auf ihr Schweizer Konto, darunter die gestürzten Herrscher aus Nordafrika, aber auch reiche Privatiers » FTD In den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres hat Schwäbisch Hall fast eine halbe Million neuer Verträge verkauft » HB Die schwarz-gelbe Koalition will Aktiengesellschaften ermöglichen, an langjährige Anteilseigner höhere Dividenden auszuschütten als an kurzfristig orientierte Anleger » FTD


FEEDBACK - meistgeklickter Link der vorherigen Ausgabe
Axel Weber und der Frankfurter Käse
Der Ex-Bundesbank-Chef hat von der Deutschen Bank nie ein konkretes Angebot erhalten. Jetzt geht er in die Schweiz. Recht hat er, findet Heiner Thorborg, einer der führenden Personalberater Deutschlands, in einer launigen Analyse für die Wirtschaftswoche. Zudem wird das nach Webers Meinung "herausragende Angebot" offenbar auch gut bezahlt.
» Wiwo

» Handelsblatt (kostenloses Probeabo)

Hängepartie um DSK
Dominique Strauss-Kahn kann die Vergewaltigungs-Vorwürfe in den USA noch nicht abschütteln. Staatsanwalt Cyrus Vance jr.erklärte nach einem Treffen mit den Anwälten Strauss-Kahns, man habe nicht die Absicht, die Ermittlungen gegen den einstigen IWF-Direktor einzustellen. Laut Welt gibt es an der Übersetzung des abgehörten Telefonats des Zimmermädchens mit ihrem Lebensgefährten Zweifel. Die Zeit vergleicht DSK mit Effi Briest, Madame Bovary und Anna Karenina. Das Handelsblatt meldet, dass eine überwältigende Mehrheit der Franzosen gegen eine Kandidatur von DSK bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen ist.
» Handelsblatt » Welt » Zeit

Pleite reloaded
Andre Lee, Ex-Managing Director des auf Asien spezialisierten Invention Development Fund (gehört zum Hightech-Investor Intellectual Ventures von Ex- Microsoft-Spitzenmanager Nathan Myhrvold), schließt seinen Technologiefonds. Ein Investor sagt, er habe in vier Jahren keinen Penny gesehen. Lee ist umstritten: Er soll 1998 zur Pleite der asiatischen Investmentbank Peregrine beigetragen haben.
» Forbes

Unterschätzt und verpönt
Brian Moynihan, seit 17 Monaten CEO der Bank of America , hat wenig geschafft, um das Vertrauen der Wall Street zu erlangen. Die Verluste im Hypothekengeschäft haben seit Anfang 2010 zugenommen, die Aktionäre sind nervös. Aber Moynihan wurde laut Fortune bislang unterschätzt, das habe sich spätestens Ende Juni gezeigt, als Moynihan die Turbulenzen rund um die Übernahme des Immobilienfinanzierers Countrywide mit einem milliardenschweren Vergleich beseitigt habe.
» Fortune

Römische Krisensignale
Giulio Tremonti, Italiens Wirtschaftsminister, befürchtet eine schwere Krise, sollte das hoch verschuldete Mittelmeer-Land nicht wie geplant in drei Jahren ohne neue Schulden auskommen. Wenn das Budget bis 2014 nicht ausgeglichen sei, werde es eine Katastrophe geben. Tremonti hatte erst am Mittwoch seine Pläne für ein Sparpaket bekanntgegeben, das in den kommenden drei Jahren insgesamt 40 Milliarden Euro einsparen soll.
» Handelsblatt

Mächtige Rückendeckung
Warren E. Buffett, Starinvestor aus den USA, hat sich ohne Wenn und Aber hinter Lloyd C. Blankfein gestellt. Gerüchte, der Goldman Sachs-Chef werde in den kommenden Monaten seinen Hut nehmen, entgegnete Buffett: "Das möchte ich nicht. Er soll bleiben."
» New York Times

Zurück zur arabischen Revolution
Interessante neue Bücher erzählen bereits jetzt die Geschichte der arabischen Revolutionen. Doch dabei bleiben sie in der Zeitfalle stecken: Die Umwälzungen sind schließlich immer noch in vollem Gang.
» Buchrezensionen » Bestellmöglichkeit "Die arabische Revolution" » Bestellmöglichkeit "Der Islam Irrtum"

ZUGABE - worüber die Finanzwelt schmunzelt
Tipps für den Banküberfall
Wie verhalte ich mich bei einem Banküberfall, lautet das Thema einer Comedy-Einlage, die auf Youtube zu sehen ist. Dabei steht der Täter im Fokus. Statt dass die meist "ungehobelten und einfallslosen Burschen" bei ihrem Überfall "Dies ist ein Überfall!" brüllen, sei die verschmitzte Frage "Raten Sie mal, was das hier ist?" eine Alternative. Auch bei der Kleidung sei Kreativität angesagt, allerdings nicht zu viel - rosa Schlüpfer auf dem Kopf und Blockflöten in der Hand statt schwarzem Nylon-Damenstrumpf über dem Gesicht lasse darauf schließen, dass es sich um einen Anfänger handelt.
» Youtube

Risk-Free And Above The Law: U.S. Globalizes Drone Warfare

Global Research, July 7, 2011

Last week the Washington Post, the New York Times and other major American newspapers reported that the U.S. launched its first unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) missile attack inside Somalia.

The strike was the first acknowledged Pentagon military attack inside the Horn of Africa nation since a helicopter raid staged by commandos in 2009 and the first use of an American drone to conduct a missile strike there. Drones had earlier been used in the country in their original capacity, for surveillance, including identifying targets for bomb and missile attacks, one being shot down in October of 2009. But as Britain’s The Guardian reported on July 30, the strike in Somalia marked “the expansion of the pilotless war campaign to a sixth country,” as the remote-controlled aircraft have already been employed to deadly effect in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and most recently Libya.

The lethal Somali mission was reportedly carried out by the U.S. Special Operations Command, in charge of executing special forces operations of the respective units of the four main branches of the American military: The Army, Marines, Air Force and Navy. On July 4 the U.S. armed forces publication Stars and Stripes reported that there are currently 7,000 American special forces in Afghanistan and another 3,000 in Iraq, with the bulk of the latter to be transferred to the first country in what was described as a “mini-surge” of special operations troops to compensate for the withdrawal of 10,000 other troops from Afghanistan by the end of this year.

Last week BBC News reported on the proposed transfer of drone aircraft by the U.S. to its military client states Uganda and Burundi for the war in Somalia. Citing American defense officials, BBC disclosed that four drones will be supplied to the two nations who have 9,000 troops engaged in combat operations against anti-government insurgents in the Somali capital of Mogadishu.

According to a New York Times feature of July 1: “[T]he United States has largely been relying on proxy forces in Somalia, including African Union peacekeepers from Uganda and Burundi, to support Somalia’s fragile government. The Pentagon is sending nearly $45 million in military supplies, including night-vision equipment and four small unarmed drones, to Uganda and Burundi to help combat the rising terror threat in Somalia. During the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia in 2007, clandestine operatives from the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command initiated missions into Somalia from an airstrip in Ethiopia.”

On June 15 a major newspaper in the United Arab Emirates, The National, reported on the escalation of deadly U.S. drone attacks in Yemen, across the Gulf of Aden from Somalia. It cited an official with the Yemeni Ministry of Defense claiming that the U.S. had launched over 15 drone strikes in the country in the first two weeks of June. The newspaper also quoted the deputy governor of Abyan province, Abdullah Luqman, decrying the attacks and stating: “These are the lives of innocent people being killed. At least 130 people have been killed in the last two weeks by US drones.”

The leader of an observation committee created to evacuate local residents added that “more than 40,000 people have left Abyan province because they feared drone strikes.”

The same defense official mentioned above warned that the “United States is turning Yemen into another Pakistan.” [1]

Recent reports in the American press reveal that the Pentagon will establish a new air base in the Persian Gulf from which to intensify drone strikes in Yemen. According to a Russian source, “The location is kept secret but some say this might be Bahrain as it already has a US base [the headquarters of the U.S. Fifth Fleet] and provides the safest route to Yemen for US drones through American ally Saudi Arabia.” [2]

The drone missile assaults in Pakistan, which caused a record number of deaths – over 1,000 – last year, are carried out by the Special Activities Division of the Central Intelligence Agency, whose last director is the new secretary of defense, Leon Panetta, a transfer that presages a yet greater intensification of the deadly attacks inside the South Asian nation.

On June 5 the 40th drone strike of the year killed at least six people in South Waziristan in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas, bringing the death toll this year to at least 350.

Late last month the Pakistani government ordered the U.S. to vacate the Shamsi Air Base in the province of Balochistan which had been used for drone strikes inside the nation. Washington has in the interim shifted those operations to upgraded air bases in Afghanistan near the Pakistani border. A recent poll conducted by the Pew Research Center found that only 3 percent of Pakistanis support the drone attacks in the country’s tribal belt.

At the end of June, 28 people were reported killed by drone strikes in the South Waziristan Agency, with a local resident quoted by Pajhwok Afghan News as stating “that 20 civilians were killed and several others injured in the second attack.” [3]

Some 2,100 of the 2,500 people killed in the strikes since they began in 2004 have lost their lives since 2009, when Barack Obama became the president of the U.S. and Leon Panetta director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

On July 5 a British Reaper drone killed at least four Afghan civilians and wounded two more in a missile attack in Helmand province. The use of the Reaper, rightly referred to as the world’s deadliest drone, marks the crossing of an ominous threshold. It is the first of what is described as a hunter-killer – long-endurance, high-altitude – remote-piloted aircraft that can be equipped with fifteen times the amount of weaponry and fly at three times the speed of the Predator used in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Libya. (The U.S. has used Reapers in Iraq since 2008 and in Afghanistan starting the following year. Toward the end of 2009 the Pentagon deployed Reapers to the East African island nation of Seychelles along with over 100 military personnel.)

On June 28 the U.S. lost the third of three drones in Afghanistan in as many days.

A recent Refugees International report stated that over 250,000 Afghans have been forced to flee their towns and villages during the last two years, over 91,000 so far this year: “Not only have NATO-led troops and Afghan forces failed to protect Afghans, but international airstrikes and night raids by U.S. Special Forces were destroying homes, crops and infrastructure, traumatising civilians and displacing tens of thousands of people.” [4]

Last month an RT feature suitably titled “US expands drone war, extremists expect new recruits” stated:
“The US has stepped up its drone attacks against militants in the Middle East, but the growing number of civilian deaths in the strikes has sparked public anger, with concern the action is driving up the number of extremist recruits.

“In Pakistan, CIA drone strikes aim at terrorists but end up killing mostly civilians. Public outrage is growing. Hatred and anger foster more terror.

“Washington now sees Yemen as the most dangerous Al-Qaeda outpost, and is planning to step up drone attacks on the country, establishing a base in the Persian Gulf specifically for that purpose.”
The source added: 
“Americans are likely to have a freer hand going it alone, with the CIA to take a central role.

“As the agency is not subject to the accountability the US military is legally under, one can expect more bombs to fall on Yemen.

“There is fury in Yemen over the killing of scores of civilians by the drone strikes. In one attack there, the American military presumably aiming at an Al-Qaeda training camp ended up killing dozens of women and children. In another strike a year ago, a drone mistakenly killed a deputy governor in Yemen, his family and aides.

“With the expansion of the drone war it seems the US is seeking only a missile solution to fighting Al-Qaeda. Analysts say that some of the main features of this global chase are not having to take into account the voice of the nation that they are bombing and the lack of accountability when it comes to civilian deaths. These features add more paradox to the US strategy, with many asking whether America is fighting and fostering terror at the same time.” [5]
Analyst Denis Fedutinov told Voice of Russia last month:
“The US used drones already in the Balkans campaign, then in Iraq and Afghanistan and now in Libya. The US and Israel are the world drone leaders. Now America has several thousand drones of different classes.” [6]
In fact, last year U.S. Marine Corps Brigadier General Glenn Walters told an Institute for Defense and Government Advancement conference that ten years ago America had 200 drones in its arsenal, but by 2010 that number had risen to 6,000 and that by next year it would be 8,000. A fortyfold increase.

And in May of 2010 “NATO representatives from around the world” visited the Camp Atterbury Joint Maneuver Training Center in the state of Indiana to observe drone flight tests.

By transferring control of the 110-day war against Libya from U.S. Africa Command to NATO on March 31 the Obama administration intended to, among other purposes, evade accountability to Congress (and federal law) under provisions of the War Powers Resolution of 1973.

The resolution mandates that Congress must authorize military actions initiated by the president within 60 days of their commencement or grant him a 30-day extension. The 60-day limit was reached on May 20.

The White House responded to Congressional opposition to prolonging military action in Libya by releasing a 38-page report that claimed “US military operations are distinct from the kind of ‘hostilities’ contemplated by the resolution’s 60-day termination provision.”

It also maintained that “U.S. operations do not involve sustained fighting or active exchanges of fire with hostile forces, nor do they involve U.S. ground troops.”

Which is to say, as long as American military personnel are not in harm’s way it is not a war. Legal Adviser of the State Department Harold Koh stated: “We are acting lawfully... We are not saying the War Powers Resolution is unconstitutional or should be scrapped or that we can refuse to consult Congress. We are saying the limited nature of this particular mission is not the kind of ‘hostilities’ envisioned by the War Powers Resolution.”

General Carter Ham, the head of U.S. Africa Command, last month “said a Republican-sponsored bill that would block American Predator drone strikes in Libya would hurt the North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance,” and “predicted that NATO would be unable to replace certain key U.S. missions, including the drone strikes and attacks to neutralize Libyan air defenses that threaten allied planes, if proposed funding cuts are made.” [7]

The launching of over 200 cruise missiles into Libya in the opening days of the war and the fact that, as the New York Times reported on June 21, “American warplanes have struck at Libyan air defenses about 60 times, and remotely operated drones have fired missiles at Libyan forces about 30 times” since command of the war was transferred from U.S. Africa Command to NATO – after which NATO has conducted over 14,000 air missions, more than 5,000 termed strike sorties – do not constitute armed hostilities in the mind of Mr. Koh, who stated last year that “U.S. targeting practices, including lethal operations conducted with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), comply with all applicable law, including the laws of war.” According to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top legal adviser, deadly drone attacks are “consistent with its [the U.S.'s] inherent right to self-defense.” [8] Koh cagily refers to murdering people on a grand scale by remote activation as targeted killing rather than targeted assassination, as the second is expressly prohibited under international law.

In a rare instance of dissenting from White House war policy, last month the New York Times published the following: 
“Jack L. Goldsmith, who led the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel during the Bush administration, said the Obama theory would set a precedent expanding future presidents’ unauthorized war-making powers, especially given the rise of remote-controlled combat technology.”
It further quoted Goldsmith directly:
“The administration’s theory implies that the president can wage war with drones and all manner of offshore missiles without having to bother with the War Powers Resolution’s time limits.”
Neither cruise missiles nor Hellfire missile-equipped unmanned aerial vehicles have pilots on board, so the lives of U.S. service members are safe as Pakistanis, Afghans, Libyans, Iraqis, Yemenis and Somalis are torn to shreds by U.S. strikes.

Wars of aggression are now both safe and “legal.”

1) The National, June 15, 2011
2) Voice of Russia, June 16, 2011
3) Pajhwok Afghan News, June 28, 2011
4) NATO airstrikes, night raids blamed for Afghan IDP crisis – report
AlertNet, June 29, 2011
5) RT, June 22, 2011
6) Voice of Russia, June 16, 2011
7) Wall Street Journal, June 23, 2011
8) Inside Justice, March 26, 2011


Der lautlose Aufstieg der Gott AG
Nach dem gestrigen Bundestagsbeschluss kann die Reproduktionsmedizin auch in Deutschland ihren weltweiten Siegeszug fortsetzen. Ein Zehn-Milliarden-Euro-Markt ist entstanden, dem trotz aller ethischen Bedenken ein großes Wachstumspotenzial prophezeit wird.

Höhere Leitzinsen für Europa
Der Chef der Europäischen Zentralbank, Jean-Claude Trichet, will mit der Entscheidung die Inflation zähmen. Zugleich lockert Trichet die Zügel für Portugal. Bis auf weiteres akzeptiert die EZB portugiesische Staatsanleihen als Sicherheiten, unabhängig von deren Bewertung durch Ratingagenturen.

Thyssen-Krupp misslingt Aktienplatzierung
Der Stahlkonzern Thyssen-Krupp brachte gestern nur 70 Prozent seiner Aktien bei Investoren unter. Den Rest nahmen die Investmentbanken in ihre Bücher.

Eine Raumfahrtnation verabschiedet sich
Der letzte Flug eines Space-Shuttle markiert eine Zäsur. Amerika sehnt sich nach einer neuen Weltraumvision, doch andere haben die Raumfahrtnation längst überholt.

Der richtige Chef für die Deutsche Bank
Um die Nachfolge von Deutsche-Bank-Chef Josef Ackermann tobt ein Machtkampf. Eine Studie sagt, dass der Investmentbanker Anshu Jain der beste Kandidat sei, um den Markenwert zu steigern.

Aufsicht untersucht Verhalten von Ergo
Die Finanzaufsicht Bafin hat eine Sonderprüfung bei dem Versicherer eingeleitet. In Riester-Policen berechnete Ergo zu hohe Kosten - und vertuschte den Fehler jahrelang.

Private Unis als Weiterbilder
Nach dem MBA-Abschluss ist vor der nächsten Weiterbildung. Die Hochschulen erkennen, dass sie Konzepte für die Generation ab 45 brauchen. Ein Überblick.

Lernen fürs Leben
Andreas Schleicher leitet die Pisa-Untersuchungen der OECD. Im Gastbeitrag fordert er einen radikalen Umbau des deutschen Schulsystems.

Hier können Sie die aktuelle Ausgabe für 1,59 € direkt downloaden

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Bafin leitet Sonderprüfung gegen Ergo ein
Ergo kommt nicht aus den negativen Schlagzeilen. Nun knöpft sich auch noch die Finanzaufsicht den Versicherer vor. Dem Unternehmen drohen harte Strafen.

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Der Streitfall des Tages
Wenn Anwälte Jagd auf Internetnutzer machen

TV-Kritik "Hart aber Fair"
Frauenfußball ist besser als C-Jugend

Uwe Sehlbach
Thyssen-Krupp feuert Vorstand wegen des Schienen-Skandals

Stuft die Ratingagenturen herab!

BMW gewinnt den Kampf gegen Daimler und Audi

Dax näher an Jahreshoch erwartet

Gute Nachrichten aus den USA haben dem Dax Aufwind gegeben. Heute dürfte es für den deutschen Leitindex in dieselbe Richtung weitergehen - sogar in Richtung des Jahreshochs aus dem Monat Mai.

Außenhandel legt zu
Wie hat sich der Außenhandel im Mai entwickelt? Heute legt das Statistische Bundesamt Zahlen vor. Analysten gehen davon aus, dass der Export gegenüber April um 1,2 Prozent zugelegt hat. Im April hatte noch ein Minus von 5,5 Prozent zu Buche gestanden. Auch die Importe dürften um 1,2 Prozent gestiegen sein, nach einem Rückgang von 2,5 Prozent im Monat zuvor.

Bundesrat besiegelt voraussichtlich Atomausstieg
Nach dem Bundestag soll auch der Bundesrat über den Atomausstieg bis zum Jahr 2022 entscheiden. Die Zustimmung gilt als sicher. Jedoch stritten Bund und Länder im Vorfeld über Einzelgesetze, die zum Energiepaket gehören. Knackpunkt ist die steuerliche Förderung energetischer Sanierungen von Wohnhäusern. Die Länder wollen das Gesetz blockieren, falls der Bund nicht bereit ist, ihre Steuerausfälle auszugleichen. Das Thema könnte im Vermittlungsausschuss landen.

Gericht entscheidet über Ermittlungen gegen neue IWF-Chefin
Der französische Gerichtshof entscheidet über ein mögliches Ermittlungsverfahren gegen die neue IWF-Chefin Christine Lagarde. Ihr wird von der Opposition Amtsmissbrauch vorgeworfen, weil sie zur Beilegung eines Rechtsstreits eine Entschädigungszahlung von 285 Millionen Euro an den Geschäftsmann Bernard Tapie für zulässig erklärt hatte.

Das Entlassungsgespenst geht an der Wall Street um

Die Finanzkrise sitzt vielen Wall-Street-Bankern noch in den Knochen, da ziehen wieder dunkle Wolken auf. Die überbordenden Staatsschulden in Europa und den USA lasten auf der Branche. Die ersten Banker müssen ihre Sachen packen.

Siebenfacher Mörder erschießt sich

Dramatische Stunden im US-Bundesstaat Michigan: Ein mutmaßlicher Mehrfachmörder lieferte sich auf seiner Flucht eine Schießerei mit der Polizei. Seinem Leben setzte er offenbar selbst ein Ende.

US-Justiz richtet Mexikaner hin

Der wegen Vergewaltigung und Ermordung eines Jugendlichen angeklagte Mexikaner ist im US-Staat Texas hingerichtet worden. Die USA fürchten diplomatische Spannungen mit Mexiko.

Arbeitsmarkt und Einzelhändler geben der Wall Street Auftrieb

Damit hatten die Analysten nicht gerechnet: Die Arbeitsmarktdaten in der Privatwirtschaft waren besser als erwartet. Außerdem bahnt sich eine Lösung für das Problem der Zahlungsunfähigkeit der USA an.

Mehr neue US-Jobs
Die Lage am US-Arbeitsmarkt entspannt sich nur sehr langsam. Der für heute erwartete Arbeitsmarktbericht der Regierung für Juni dürfte eine bei 9,1 Prozent stagnierende Arbeitslosenquote ausweisen. Einen Silberstreif am Horizont könnte die Zahl der neu geschaffenen Stellen darstellen. In der Privatwirtschaft stieg die Zahl der Jobs um 157.000.

USA senden letzten Space-Shuttle ins All
Zum letzten Mal in der Geschichte der Raumfahrt soll ein US-Space-Shuttle ins Weltall starten. Der Countdown für den Flug vom Weltraumbahnhof Cape Canaveral in Florida lief trotz schlechter Wetteraussichten weiter. Die Raumfahrtbehörde bewertete die Chance für einen Start zuletzt mit 30 Prozent. Als Ausweichtermine stehen Samstag und Sonntag zur Verfügung, danach wäre der Luftraum bis zum 16. Juli blockiert.

Aktienmärkte dank ermutigender US-Daten im Plus

Nachdem die US-Aktienmärkte am Donnerstag teils deutliche Gewinne verbucht haben, legt auch die Tokioter Börse heute zu.


Die internationale Wirtschaftspresse schaut sich die skandalbedingte Schließung der beliebtesten englischsprachigen Zeitung "News of the World" durch Rupert Murdoch genauer an. Weil Journalisten der Zeitung Handytelefonate von Prominenten, Politikern sowie auch Royals illegal abgehört hatten, wird die Zeitung nach der Sonntagsausgabe eingestellt.

Nicht ohne Grund sei sie als Schmutzpresse bekannt. Solcher Boulevardjournalismus stinke. Ebenso wie Großbritanniens Politiker und vor allem seine Polizei, ist der Economist überzeugt.

Das Spiel sei aus für Rupert Murdoch, schreibt die britische Financial Times.

Die Mitteilung, dass die 168 Jahre alte Zeitung am Sonntag ihre letzte Ausgabe publizieren werde, habe die Industrie geschockt, beobachtet der britische Guardian.

Handelsblatt First - die App für Entscheider

Neu! Handelsblatt First, die neue iPad App mit Push-Aktualisierung. Jetzt kostenlos testen. Powered by Siemens.

 Un fort séisme secoue
la Corse et Marseille

La secousse d'une magnitude de 5,2 n'a fait ni dégât ni victime. C'est le plus fort tremblement de terre ressenti dans le Sud depuis 1963.


Les rebelles libyens passent à l'attaque

Les rebelles libyens passent à l'attaque<br/>

L'offensive cordonnée avec l'Otan vise à faire sauter deux «verrous» en direction de Tripoli. 


La ville syrienne d'Hama redoute
un assaut militaire

80 chars encerclent cette ville, symbole historique de la résistance au pouvoir baasiste.


Affaire DSK : le procureur de New York recense ses derniers atouts

Cyrus Vance passe en revue les éléments à charge que pourrait encore utiliser l'accusation.
» Le procureur Vance refuse de se retirer de l'affaire DSK


Les associations noires
se mobilisent pour Nafissatou Diallo

Les «100 noirs des forces de l'ordre qui s'impliquent» dénoncent la coloration «raciste anti-noire et anti-femme» que prend l'affaire.


DSK : le destin brisé

Les plus proches soutiens de Dominique Strauss-Kahn rêvent de son retour politique, pour la primaire puis pour la présidentielle. Mais de nombreux obstacles demeurent. Découvrez le sondage Le Figaro Magazine/LCI, «Les Français, DSK et les primaires au PS».
» L'intégralité du sondage (en pdf)


Affaire Tapie : ce qui attend Christine Lagarde

Si la Cour de justice de la République décide aujourd'hui d'ouvrir une enquête, la future patronne du FMI pourrait à terme être convoquée comme témoin assistée, voire mise en examen. Un hypothétique jugement ne pourrait intervenir que dans plusieurs années.


Comprendre l'affaire Tapie-Crédit Lyonnais

INFOGRAPHIE - Depuis plus de 15 ans, Bernard Tapie est en conflit avec son ex-banque, qu'il accuse de l'avoir floué dans la vente d'Adidas, en 1993. Contesté, l'arbitrage, qui lui a accordé 285 millions d'euros en 2008, pourrait valoir à Christine Lagarde d'éventuelles poursuites.


Christine Lagarde :
retour sur une ascension exemplaire

Première femme à diriger le FMI, Christine Lagarde est indéniablement la superstar de l'été. Retour sur les six clés d'une ascension exemplaire.
» EN IMAGES - Son parcours


La navette spatiale décolle
pour la dernière fois

La navette spatiale décolle <br/>pour la dernière fois<br/>

Atlantis clôt vendredi un chapitre prestigieux mais controversé de la conquête spatiale. Avec des vidéos INA.


Retour sur quarante ans de navettes spatiales

EN IMAGES - Démarré en 1972, le programme des navettes spatiales américaines, Entreprise, Challenger, Columbia, Discovery, Endeavour et Atlantis, aura coûté un peu moins de 200 milliards de dollars.


À Dijon, jamais sans mon «love coach»

LE BONHEUR D'ÊTRE FRANÇAIS - Plongée chez les bourgeois bohèmes, en Bourgogne, chez ces bobos qui placent leur bien-être avant toute réflexion sur le destin de la collectivité nationale. Ils sont des forçats de l'ego, les enfants gâtés de la République.
» Les précédents épisodes
» Abonnez-vous à Mon Figaro Select pour consulter cet article


Trafic : évitez la route samedi, privilégiez dimanche

Pour ce deuxième week-end de départs en vacances estivales, des ralentissements sont attendus dès vendredi.


Risque de non-lieu dans l'affaire
des irradiés de l'hôpital de Rangueil

Après quatre ans d'enquête sur la surriradiation de 145 patients au CHU de Toulouse, deux juges d'instruction jugent que les fautes commises ne suffisent pas pour engager la responsabilité de l'hôpital.


Posez vos questions à Jean Arthuis

Le président de l'Alliance centriste, sénateur de la Mayenne et président de la commission des Finances du Sénat, sera l'invité du Talk Orange-Le Figaro ce vendredi, à 18h. Posez-lui toutes vos questions.
» Arthuis ne rejoint pas Borloo et Morin


Exécution controversée d'un ressortissant mexicain au Texas

L'administration Obama avait émis la crainte que cette exécution viole les traités internationaux liant les Etats-Unis et le Mexique et engendre un danger pour les citoyens américains à l'étranger.


Les mises en garde de l'Élysée aux ministres

Le président a demandé aux membres du gouvernement de rester mobilisés pendant l'été.


Claude Guéant conteste le rapport
de la Cour des comptes

Pour la première fois, les «sages» de la rue Cambon s'en prennent à la gestion des forces de l'ordre. Leurs critiques sont très vives. La réaction du ministre de l'Intérieur l'est aussi.
» DOCUMENT - L'intégralité du rapport de la Cour des comptes 


Effectifs, polices municipales, vidéo,
des questions qui fâchent

Effectifs, polices municipales, vidéo, <br/>des questions qui fâchent <br/>

Un certain nombre de points, évoqués dans le rapport de la Cour des comptes, agacent la Place Beauvau. Revue de détail. 


Rapport de la Cour des comptes :
l'UMP dénonce «un tract du PS»

RÉACTIONS - La majorité critique la «subjectivité» du rapport sur la gestion des forces de sécurité. Le PS y voit la confirmation de «l'échec accablant» de la politique de sécurité de Nicolas Sarkozy.


Au coeur d'un scandale, le tabloïd
News of the World ferme

Propriété du magnat de la presse Rupert Murdoch, le journal a été épinglé à plusieurs reprises pour des écoutes téléphoniques illégales.


Comment intercepte-t-on les appels d'un portable

Des journalistes du tabloïd britannique News of the World ont pratiqué des écoutes téléphoniques pour extorquer des scoops, provoquant un vaste scandale outre-Manche. Certaines de ces techniques sont à la portée de tous.


Les scandales alimentaires
menacent la stabilité chinoise

Des pastèques qui explosent au riz toxique, la course au profit est à l'origine de multiples accidents. 


Crise de la dette : Obama
négocie avec les élus

Le président américain a reçu jeudi les dirigeants du Congrès, à la Maison-Blanche. Objectif: trouver un compromis sur le budget afin d'obtenir un relèvement du plafond de la dette avant la date butoir du 2 août.


La BCE sauve le Portugal
et tacle Moody's

La Banque centrale européenne a relevé, jeudi, son taux directeur à 1,5 % pour lutter contre l'inflation.


Les agences de notation décryptées

À elles seules, les trois agences de notation que sont Standard & Poor's, Moody's et Fitch font trembler les États. Qui les paient ? Comment décident-elles d'une note ? Explications en six points.


Usain Bolt : «Je veux continuer
à régner»

Usain Bolt : «Je veux continuer<br>à régner»

INTERVIEW - Vedette du meeting Areva vendredi au Stade de France, Usain Bolt assure qu'il a beaucoup travaillé depuis sa dernière sortie en compétition pour retrouver sa forme d'il y a deux ans et continuer à régner sur le sprint mondial.


Rachida Dati : «Le projet du PS
date des années 1980»

INTERVIEW - L'ancienne garde des Sceaux se dit déterminée à se présenter dans un an aux législatives dans le VIIe arrondissement.


L'État se retire des batteries électriques de Renault

INFO LE FIGARO - Contrairement à ce qui avait été annoncé fin 2009, le Fonds stratégique d'investissement (FSI) n'investira pas 125 millions d'euros dans l'usine de fabrication de batteries à Flins.


Marc-Olivier Fogiel de retour
à l'antenne de M6

Le journaliste sera aux commandes d'un nouveau magazine d'information tous les dimanches à la mi-journée. 


Tour de France : Boasson Hagen triomphe des éléments

Tour de France : Boasson Hagen triomphe des éléments

CYCLISME - Le Norvégien de l'équipe Sky a remporté au sprint la 6e étape du Tour de France à Lisieux. Thor Hushovd, 3e, conserve le Maillot Jaune.


La bactérie E.coli continue
de se propager

Quatre patients ont été hospitalisés ces dernières semaines à Lille, deux enfants sont en réanimation mais l'origine de la contamination est encore incertaine.


L'héritier de Daniel Wildenstein
mis en examen

Une trentaine d'œuvres d'art, qui avaient disparu depuis plusieurs années, ont été retrouvées à la fondation parisienne de Guy Wildenstein, fils du célèbre marchand d'art et élu UMP. Il a été inculpé pour recel d'abus de confiance.


Protection solaire : rien ne sert d'abuser de la crème

Protection solaire : rien ne sert d'abuser de la crème<br/>

Pour beaucoup, c'est l'heure du départ en vacances, avec à la clé de longues heures à profiter du soleil. Comment se protéger intelligemment? Le point avec Pierre Césarini, directeur de l'association Sécurité solaire, spécialisée dans l'éducation du grand public.


Renault Frendzy :
deux voitures en une

La firme au Losange devance l'appel du salon de Francfort en levant le voile sur le quatrième élément de la marguerite de la vie imaginée par Laurens van den Acker. 


«Je crois à la destinée et à l'énergie»

Alice Taglioni vient de terminer le tournage de «Paris Manhattan», une comédie avec Patrick Bruel. Sa passion pour le piano, son métier, son rapport aux autres... Confidences
» EN IMAGES - La série mode
» EN IMAGES - Le making of


Trois raisons d'aller
à Uzès ?

Trop de comédiens à Avignon, trop de photographes à Arles ? Misez sur le charme discret d'Uzès et son festival de musique baroque.
» EN IMAGES - Visite d'Uzès


24 heures photo

24 heures photo

Découvrez les meilleures images du jour sélectionnées par Le Figaro Magazine.

Gérard Larcher finit par renoncer à la prime exceptionnelle aux sénateurs
Le président du Sénat se voit contraint de changer d'avis après le refus de trois sénateurs de toucher de ce bonus quelque peu malvenu de 3500 euros.>>
Sécurité: piquée au vif par la Cour des comptes, la droite contre-attaque
Emboîtant le pas au ministre de l'Intérieur Claude Guéant, 70 élus dénoncent comme «partial» voir «idéologue» le rapport très sévère des Sages sur la gestion des forces de sécurité depuis 2002.>>
Le président yéménite Saleh réapparaît
Hospitalisé en Arabie saoudite depuis l'attaque de son palais il y a plus d'un mois, Ali Abdallah Saleh est apparu gravement brûlé jeudi à la télévision.>>
La Corse secouée par un séisme
Il n'y a ni dégâts ni victimes, mais la secousse de magnitude 5,2 a été ressentie jeudi soir sur l'île ainsi que sur le continent, à Marseille, dans le Var et les Alpes-Maritimes.>>
Candidature de Baylet: «cela n’a pas à voir avec la présidentielle mais avec les sénatoriales»
interview La députée de Guyane, Christiane Taubira, qui soutient Arnaud Montebourg à la primaire PS, a été candidate du PRG à la présidentielle de 2002. Elle réagit à la candidature du président des radicaux de gauche à la primaire.>>
Egypte : pas de place pour l’accalmie
Les violences se multiplient dans tout le pays. Tahrir se remplit à nouveau.>>
Un employé de Monoprix mis à pied pour avoir récupéré six melons et deux salades
Une mise à pied qui, selon l'enseigne, «n'est pas une sanction» mais «vise à faire la lumière sur ce qui s'est passé».>>
Vent de rigueur sur le foot français
Gendarme financier du foot français, la DNCG contrôle la bonne gestion des clubs. Coupables de dérapages financiers, plusieurs clubs ont déjà été relégués en division inférieure.>>
Blog {Sciences²}
Dernier vol de Navette pour Atlantis
Ce soir, Atlantis ferme un bal de trente ans avec le dernier lancement d’une navette spatiale.>>
Israël empêche la venue de centaines de propalestiniens
Des associations de soutien aux Palestiniens avaient appelé leurs sympathisants à converger le 8 juillet vers l'aéroportde Tel Aviv, afin de se rendre ensuite dans les territoires palestiniens.>>
Le mauvais bilan du policier Sarkozy
Un rapport de la Cour des comptes dévoilé hier critique la gestion des forces de sécurité depuis 2002.>>
Very bad «News of the World»
Plombé par le scandale des écoutes, Murdoch ferme son tabloïd pour préserver ses interêts au Royaume-Uni, à la stupeur générale.>>
Galerie photo
Les festivals musicaux de l'été en images
De Glastonbury aux Eurockéennes, en passant par Solidays et Roskilde, et en attendant Les Vieilles charrues ou les Francofolies, déambulation ludique dans les grands rendez-vous européens.>>
Audio Silence, on joue
Silence, on joue ! Vivement la saison 5
A ECOUTER Dernière émission de la saison 4 avec une session de rattrapage des jeux pas encore chroniqués : Witcher 2, Infamous 2, Resident Evil 3D, Project Zomboid, Alice Madness Returns, Shadow of the Damned.>>

Prepared for the
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
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Via Smartphone
July 8, 2011

In-Depth Issues:

Syria Condemns U.S. Ambassador's Visit to Hama (Al-Jazeera-Qatar)
    Syria has accused Washington of "interfering" in its affairs by sending its ambassador to the restive city of Hama.
    Robert Ford toured the city on Thursday to show solidarity with residents facing a security crackdown after weeks of demonstrations against Bashar al-Assad, Syria's president.
    "The presence of the U.S. ambassador in Hama without previous permission is obvious proof of clear evidence of the United States' involvement in current events in Syria and its attempt to incite an escalation in the situation, which disturbs Syria's security and stability," the Syrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Israel Prohibits Brazil from Selling UAVs to Venezuela or Bolivia (El Universal-Venezuela)
    Brazil will start manufacturing unmanned aircraft with help from Israel, thus allowing the South American country to control drug trafficking in its border areas.
    However, Miki Bar, a representative of IAI, which manufactures the UAVs, said Brazil was not authorized to sell the aircraft to its neighbors, the Bolivian newspaper Pagina Siete reported.
    Venezuela's Hugo Chavez expelled Israel's ambassador in 2009 in solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

New Flotilla Song from Latma (Jerusalem Post)
    In the immediate aftermath of last year's flotilla to Gaza, Latma, a satirical media criticism website, produced the video clip "We Con the World" which received millions of views.
    On Thursday, Latma released a new video clip on the latest attempted flotilla to Gaza: The Audacity of Dopes Band brings you "Guns, Guns, Guns!"
    View the Video (Latma-YouTube)

Switzerland Freezes Syrian Assets; Money Smuggled to Lebanon (Albawaba-Jordan)
    The Swiss government has announced that it has frozen 27 million Swiss francs ($31.8 million) belonging to senior Syrian officials as part of Swiss sanctions imposed on the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
    There are reports that senior Syrian officials have recently smuggled $20 billion to Lebanon, highlighting growing fears of the imminent collapse of the current Syrian regime. 

Egyptian Natural Gas Supply to Israel Resumes (Reuters)
    Supply of Egyptian natural gas to Israel has resumed, Ampal-American Israel Corp., a shareholder in East Mediterranean Gas Co., said Wednesday.
    Saboteurs blew up a pipeline carrying gas from Egypt to Israel and Jordan on Monday in the third attack this year.
    Israel Electric Corp. said the gas that was flowing from Egypt was equivalent to only 30-40% of the contractual amount due to be supplied.

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The Economic Case for Supporting Israel - George Gilder (Wall Street Journal)
    Israel cruised through the recent global slump with scarcely a down quarter and no deficit or stimulus package.
    It is behind only the U.S. in an array of leading-edge technologies.
    In the face of a global campaign to boycott its goods, it raised its exports 19.9% in 2010's fourth quarter and 27.3% in the first quarter of 2011.
    Tiny Israel's unparalleled achievements have become vital to the U.S. economy and military capabilities.
    U.S. defense and prosperity increasingly depend on the ever-growing economic and technological power of Israel. We need Israel as much as it needs us.

80 Percent of IDF Recruits Ask to Serve as Combat Soldiers - Avihai Chiim (Israel Defense Forces)
    "Last year, 80% of recruits requested to serve as combat soldiers," Maj.-Gen. Orna Barbivai, head of the IDF Human Resources Directorate, said Tuesday.

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News Resources - North America, Europe, and Asia:
  • Israel, Europe Turn Back Pro-Palestinian Activists at Airports - Jeremy Last
    Scores of pro-Palestinian protesters trying to reach Israel were blocked at airports in Europe and two American activists who arrived in Israel were deported Friday, Israeli officials said. Israel had asked foreign airlines to prevent blacklisted travelers from boarding Israel-bound flights. At Israel's request, several airlines barred about 200 would-be protesters from boarding flights to Israel from Europe, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. (AP)
        See also Israel Asks Foreign Airlines to Block Departure of Pro-Palestinian Activists - Zohar Blumenkrantz
    Israel's Transportation Ministry has asked foreign airlines to report to Israeli authorities if any on a list of 300 blacklisted passengers appear on their flights to Israel in the next 24 hours, stressing that these people will not be granted entry into Israel and that the foreign airlines would need to fly them back to their countries of origin after they were deported. (Ha'aretz)
        See also Gaza Fly-In Hits Turbulence - Yair Altman
    About 50 passengers at the Lufthansa terminal at Paris' De Gaulle airport were turned back Friday, after French authorities discovered their names were included on Israel's list. The Hungarian airline Malev stopped dozens of French activists from boarding its plane in Paris. In Brussels, three Frenchmen were denied boarding a Swiss airline flight heading to Israel. Authorities at Geneva International Airport prevented 50 passengers from boarding a flight to Israel. The group caused a small ruckus and tried to barge through the airport's security gate. (Ynet News)
  • U.S. House Warns Palestinians on Statehood Bid
    In an overwhelming 406-6 vote [13 answered "present"], the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday warned the Palestinians that they risk cuts in U.S. aid if they pursue UN recognition of a future state not defined in direct talks with Israel. The symbolic resolution sent a stern message to the Palestinians one week after the U.S. Senate unanimously approved a similar measure. "Any Palestinian unity government must publicly and formally forswear terrorism, accept Israel's right to exist, and reaffirm previous agreements made with Israel," says the resolution, crafted by Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Democratic House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer. It warned of "serious implications for the United States assistance programs for the Palestinians and the Palestinian Authority" if they seek UN recognition of a future state. (AFP)
  • Captured Gaddafi Soldiers Tell of Low Morale in Libyan Army - Ernesto Londono
    Beleaguered by NATO's bombing campaign, low morale and desertions, the Libyan army is relying heavily on fighters from sub-Saharan Africa as Moammar Gaddafi's government struggles to beat back rebels forces east and west of the capital, captured fighters said in interviews. The detainees said that as many as half the forces deployed by the Gaddafi regime to the front lines come from countries such as Niger and Mali. (Washington Post)
        See also U.S. House Rejects Bid to Halt Funding of Military Operations Against Libya - Felicia Sonmez
    The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday rejected a measure that would have withdrawn funding for U.S. military operations in Libya in a 199 to 229 vote. (Washington Post)
  • The UN Human Rights Council's Expert on Israel - Gabriel Latner
    On June 29, Richard Falk, the UN Human Rights Council's expert on Israel, posted a cartoon on his blog depicting Lady Justice, with robes and scales, holding a dog by a leash. The dog is eating a dead body. On closer examination, the dog is wearing a coat that says "U.S.A.," as well as a skullcap decorated with the Star of David, the emblem the Jewish people. After a reader sent Falk a link showing the cartoon on his own website, Falk wrote: "Maybe I do not understand the cartoon, and if it offends in this way I have removed it from the blog. It may be in bad taste to an extent I had not earlier appreciated, but I certainly didn't realize that it could be viewed as anti-semitic [sic], and still do not realize."  (National Post-Canada)
        See also U.S. Calls on Richard Falk to Resign from UN Rights Council
    Ambassador Eileen Donahoe, U.S. Representative to the UN Human Rights Council, issued the following statement on Thursday: "I am repulsed by the recent cartoon posting to the personal blog written by Richard Falk, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on "the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967."
        "Mr. Falk's continued comments and postings to his personal blog are deeply offensive, and I condemn them in the strongest terms. I am registering a strong protest with the UN on behalf of the United States. The United States has often been critical of Mr. Falk's approach to his mandate, including his one-sided and politicized view of situation in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. We hope that he will resign, recognizing that his continued status as a UN mandate holder is a blight on the UN system."  (U.S. Mission to the UN in Geneva)
News Resources - Israel and the Mideast:
  • Gaza Flotilla Founders - Yaakov Katz
    The protest flotilla to Gaza seemed to come to an end on Thursday, when organizers decided to send more than half of the activists in Athens home. (Jerusalem Post)
  • Palestinian Unity Deal on Hold - Khaled Abu Toameh
    The Egyptian-brokered reconciliation agreement between Hamas and Fatah has been put on hold, Aziz Dweik, a senior Hamas representative in the West Bank, said on Wednesday. Hamas and Fatah have failed to agree on a prime minister to head a new Palestinian unity government. (Jerusalem Post)
  • Israel to Recognize South Sudan - Ilan Lior and Barak Ravid
    Israel is expected to recognize South Sudan as an independent state in the coming weeks, according to sources at the Foreign Ministry. South Sudan will declare its independence on Saturday. Israel plans to announce recognition immediately after the U.S. and EU countries do so. The Foreign Ministry has been exchanging secret messages with the government of South Sudan for a long time.
        In October 2010, the president of South Sudan, Salva Kiir, declared that Israel is not an enemy and that he will weigh diplomatic relations with it, including the opening of an Israeli embassy. Nearly 2,000 refugees from South Sudan are living in Israel and, following the establishment of diplomatic relations, Israel will seek to repatriate most of them. (Ha'aretz)
Global Commentary and Think-Tank Analysis (Best of U.S., UK, and Israel):

    Arab World

  • The Arab Spring Has Given Way to a Long, Hot Summer - Richard N. Haass
    Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, and Libya have had their turn; now Syria occupies center stage. Syria's future rests on whether a handful of Alawite generals are prepared to keep killing their fellow citizens to preserve the Assad regime and, more fundamentally, Alawite primacy. Syria's violence is just one further sign that the promise of the Arab spring has given way to a long, hot summer in which the geopolitics of the Middle East are being reset for the worse.
        The effects go wider still. Relations between Israelis and Palestinians are increasingly strained. Israelis are more reluctant than ever to make concessions in light of the disarray on their borders, while the new voice for Arab publics emerging from the upheavals makes it more difficult for Arab governments to compromise. The Quartet needs to work with, not dictate to, local parties. Launching a new negotiation is surely preferable to taking the issue to the UN General Assembly, where positions are likely to harden. The writer is president of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Financial Times-UK)
  • The Arab Spring Is an Economic Revolt - Fouad Ajami
    For generations the Arab populations had bartered away their political freedom for economic protection. They rose in rebellion when it dawned on them that the bargain had not worked, that the system of subsidies, and the promise of equality held out by the autocrats, had proven a colossal failure. The old order of merchants and landholders was upended in the 1950s and '60s by a political and military class that assumed supreme power in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Algeria and Yemen. As a rule, they hailed from the underclass and they put the merchant classes to flight.
        In the 1950s the Jews, Greeks, and Italians who had figured prominently in the economic life of Egypt were sent packing, taking with them their skills. In Iraq, the Jews of the country, on its soil for well over two millennia, were dispossessed and banished in 1950-51. In Syria, the Alawites, the religious sect to which the Assad clan belongs, had been poor peasants and sharecroppers, but political and military power raised them to new heights. If the tremendous upheaval at play in Arab lands is driven by a desire to capture state power - and the economic prerogatives that come with political power - the revolution will reproduce the failures of the past. The writer is a senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. (Wall Street Journal)
  • Syrian Rebellion
    Could the central Syrian city of Hama come to define Bashar Assad's rule in the same way it did his father's? Over 70 were shot dead during protests on June 3. Fearing escalation beyond its control, the regime temporarily pulled out most forces. Free to protest, tens of thousands took to the streets. Some reports suggest 300,000 people, including women and children, turned out on July 1, the biggest protest to date.
        Today's protesters have different aims and use different means to fight the regime. Far from being violent Islamists, many wish for a secular democracy and have not picked up weapons - at least not so far. "We were left to die the first time. We won't this time," says one defiant city resident. Like his father, Bashar could forever be tainted by blood shed in Hama. The city has unmatched reserves of defiance that make it the most likely site of an eventual bid by protesters to win control of territory and hold on to it. (Economist-UK)

    Other Issues

  • Flotilla Diplomacy Proves the Importance of Hard Power - Evelyn Gordon
    With diplomatic efforts to stop this year's flotilla to Gaza a seeming success, a new myth has arisen: The success of this year's effort proves Israel could also have stopped last year's flotilla without bloodshed had it only been a bit smarter. But the sorry truth is Israel's diplomatic efforts succeeded this time only because of its willingness to use force last year.
        Last year Israel tried desperately to stop the flotilla peacefully. It negotiated frantically with Turkey, but Ankara reneged at the last minute. It begged the countries whence the ships were sailing (Turkey, Greece and Ireland) not to let them depart, but to no avail: The unanimous response was democracies can't bar peaceful demonstrators from sailing the high seas. So why was it suddenly okay for democratic countries to intervene this year? Because this year, they had an excuse: The intervention was meant to prevent bloodshed. (Commentary)
  • The Flotilla Flop - Roz Rothstein and Roberta Seid
    The "Free Gaza" Flotilla II campaign appears to be a flop. Leaders of the international community essentially pulled the plug on what they recognized as a potentially dangerous anti-Israel publicity stunt. The International Red Cross said there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza and whatever goods are needed can be delivered through legal, official entry points. It is now clear that members of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas organized and raised money for the flotilla. Roz Rothstein is CEO and Dr. Roberta Seid is Education/Research Director of StandWithUs. (Los Angeles Jewish Journal)
  • Face the Enemy - Mario Loyola
    Many of the flotilla supporters are pitifully innocent activists who believe that the Palestinians are a subjugated people. There are few conflicts in history in which one side was more clearly in the wrong, and the other more clearly in the right, than in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On one side, there is a diverse coalition of people dedicated to peace, tolerance, democracy, and the rule of law, which has been mercilessly abused and attacked for 100 years.
        On the other is an obscurantist, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, fascistic, and murderous political movement that persecutes homosexuals, represses women, and glorifies the murder of children in their sleep. The activists are right - the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is about good vs. evil. They're just confused as to which is which. (National Review)
  • The Palestinian Money Hole - Daniel Greenfield
    The World Bank report for 2011 found that only 16% of those living in the West Bank under PA control were living below the poverty line. The poverty rate in Washington, D.C., is 18.9%. Greece's poverty rate is 20%. Spain's is nearly as high. And 17% of the EU population is considered to be at risk of poverty. Israel's poverty rate is nearly 24%.
        The Palestinian Authority is a wholly subsidized enterprise paid for by American and European taxpayers. The PA payroll stands at over 150,000 people. That's one government worker for every 10 adults - 1 of every 5 males. Last month the PA passed a law putting all imprisoned terrorists, even members of Hamas, on its payroll. Now the PA expects foreign donors to enable it to continue paying money to convicted murderers. (Front Page Magazine)
  • Six Years On, Lessons of Gaza Withdrawal Resonate for West Bank - Linda Gradstein
    Yossi Klein Halevi, a journalist and a fellow at Jerusalem's Shalom Hartman Institute, says support for Jewish settlers in the West Bank has gone mainstream in a way that support for settlements in Gaza never did. "Two generations have grown up in Israel who see the settlements not only as part of Israel but as the heart of Israel," he says. (JTA)
Observations: The Cost of Palestinian Unilateralism - Michael Singh (Foreign Policy)
  • With the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations stalled for more than two years, the tide of support for recognition of Palestinian statehood at the UN General Assembly in September is growing. Palestinian unilateralism has been buoyed not only by strong support from Arab nations, but also from Britain and France.
  • Yet PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad reported that of the $971 million in pledges made by donors, so far this year only $330 million had actually been paid. That the same friends who are promising their UN votes to the PA are failing to follow through on their aid pledges should give Palestinians pause.
  • The last IMF report on the Palestinian economy noted that continued economic recovery depended on further reductions by Israel in restrictions on movement and access within the West Bank and Gaza and better coordination between the PA and Israel on the collection of "clearance revenue" (essentially taxes and fees collected by Israeli authorities and transferred to the PA).
  • These boil down to Israeli-Palestinian cooperation, which is threatened by the specter of Palestinian unilateralism in September. As the report on unfulfilled donor pledges makes clear, the Palestinians cannot count on the friends cheering them on rhetorically to step up financially if the going gets rough post-September.
  • For Israelis and Palestinians, there is no unilateral path to peace and prosperity; these will be achieved only through the hard work of negotiations. This is the sobering lesson Palestinians should take from the latest economic data, and the unified message the U.S. and its allies should deliver to Ramallah.

    The writer, a former senior director for Middle East affairs at the U.S. National Security Council, is managing director of The Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

Global Defence Technology Magazine

Global Defence Technology - New Issue Out Now
This month we explore the latest technological developments in military electronics and power supply systems in the air and on the ground. We also look at the logistical challenges of keeping an armed force up and running in today's conflict zones, review the bidding race for the US Air Force's new generation of aerial refuelling tankers, and investigate how, in times of sweeping budget cuts, more and more navies opt for modernisation and refurbishment of old vessels instead of building new ones.

> Click here to read your free copy
Industry Research

Sustainability Management in the Defense Industry 2010-12
ICD Research's latest report, 'Sustainability Management in the Defense Industry 2010-12', identified that only a minority of defence ministries consider carbon emissions as a selection criterion for sustainable procurement, a viewpoint that is shared by 78% of military and civil defence contractors and consultancy, IT and other service providers.
White Papers

Arms Control and Nonproliferation: a Catalogue of Treaties and Agreements
The report provides an overview of many of the key arms control and non-proliferation agreements and endeavours of the past 40 years divided into three sections.

The first section describes arms control efforts between the US and the states of the former Soviet Union, covering formal and bilateral treaties, and the cooperative threat reduction process.

The second section describes multilateral nuclear non-proliferation efforts, covering formal treaties and less formal accommodations that have been initiated in recent years, while the final section reviews treaties and agreements that address chemical, biological and conventional weapons.

The report concludes with several appendices that provide a list of treaties and agreements that the US is party to, a description of the treaty ratification process, and a list of the bilateral and international organisations tasked with implementation of arms control efforts.

Latest Companies

GMT - Anti-Vibration Mounting Specialists, Suppliers of Rubber-to-Metal Bonded Products and Moulded Rubber Components

Rubb Buildings - Military Helicopter and Fixed Wing Aircraft Hangars, Sunshades, Warehouses and Workshops
Press Releases


Type 96 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier, Japan
The Type 96 8×8 wheeled armoured personnel carrier is operated by the Japanese Ground Self-Defence Force (JGSDF). The vehicle is produced by Defence Systems Division of Komatsu.

Snapshot: Argentina's Defence Industry
Like many Latin American countries, Argentina is increasing its defence expenditure at a robust pace. Modernisation plans, participation in overseas peacekeeping and an ongoing dispute with the UK over the Falkland Islands will all drive expenditure, although elections in October 2011 could reveal yet another budgetary revision. 

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