Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday 27 December 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 25 Dec 2015 10:00 PM PST
by Tray Caladan via Rise Earth

1. You’ve done a lot of research on Tesla, the pyramids and Atlantis. Among those subjects of research, which did you find the most fascinating and why?

I’ll go through them and say what excites me about each. I don’t believe Tesla was one of us; look what he’s accomplished.

We’ll never know his full extent and influence since incredible devices and principles have been suppressed by governments.

He was discredited and taken out of western textbooks. Public doesn’t have access to Tesla’s many MISSING patents, such as Particle Beams, flying disks and even Time Machines.

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Posted: 25 Dec 2015 09:00 PM PST
by Mike Adams

After observing recent events involving Chipotle and e.coli, here's my analysis of the situation: Chipotle's e.coli outbreaks are not random chance. 

They are the result of the biotech industry unleashing bioterrorism attacks against the only fast food company that has publicly denounced GMOs.

How do we know? The CDC has already admitted that some of these e.coli outbreaks involve a "rare genetic strain" of e.coli not normally seen in foods.

Furthermore, we also know the track record of the biotech industry engaging in the most criminal, dirty, sleazebag tactics imaginable against any person or company that speaks out against GMOs.

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Posted: 25 Dec 2015 08:00 PM PST
by myhealthylifeguide

If you ever see a person that has a black dot on the palm, you should call the police immediately. The black dot means that the person is in trouble.

“Black Dot Campaign” started on Facebook and it’s a campaign to recognize the victims of domestic abuse. That simple black dot on their hand signifies a call for help.

By putting a black dot on their palms, victims of domestic violence can show that they’re in danger. So if you ever notice a person with a black dot on his/her palm, help this person and call the police.

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Posted: 25 Dec 2015 07:00 PM PST
“There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” – Senator Daniel K. Inouye, the highest ranking Asian-American politician in United States history (source)

A number of presidents and politicians have spoken openly about this “shadowy” government over the years; you can see more statements like the one above here.

As far as who is in charge of operating these clandestine activities, who knows?

One great way to find out is to follow the money, and in doing so, it becomes immediately apparent that corporations sit higher than the government itself.

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